Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Mob, Final Paper

            If a person were to log online and search “Social Networking Websites”, around 14,300,000 results would come up. If this same person were to search how many people are users of social networking sites, they would find out that MySpace has 57 million users, Facebook has 400 million users as of February and Twitter has 75 million users. These are just three of the popular social networking sites that exist and between them; there are around 532 million social networking users. All these people obviously are using these sites on their computers, but in addition to that, about 91 percent of all social networking users’ access sites on their cell phones. Through social networks, cell phones and computers, absolutely anyone can be connected to anyone or anything at any given time. Nevertheless, is this connectivity good?
            If anyone can connect to anyone or anything they want to at any given time, there are definitely going to be effects on society. Some of these effects are addictions to technology such as cell phones and computers, changes in relationships between people and a change in the way people think and act. The effect on the way people think and act has been far the greatest effect on society due to connectivity. There have been reports done saying that children with cell phones say, “they feel unloved if they don’t wake up with at least four text messages.” People who have been born into the technology age act much differently than those who were not. They are used to things happening instantaneously due to high-speed Smartphone’s and computers.
People born into this technology era have been connected their whole lives through instant messaging, texting, and social networks. Due to this connectivity these peoples thinking is different, they have very little patience for lectures, “tell-test” instruction and systematic logic.  Even though these effects may seem negative, there are more positive than negative effects.  Information is more readily and quickly available to people who need it. It is much easier for people to keep in contact with one another than it was without this technology and social networking sites. People are more innovative and always thinking about how to do things more efficiently and how to improve.
            Since technology has lead to constantly being connected to anyone and anything, have you ever wondered who is trying to connect to you right this second? Many of the social networking sites have a user’s real name and information attached to them, or they have a user name. Even though a name or user name is attached, there is still a degree of anonymity. Besides the sites that use people’s real names and user names, there are websites that are completely anonymous.  This anonymity has also allowed people to do good for others. There are many sites where you can make anonymous online donations to charities or causes that a person believes in. There are also sites set up where a person can report tips or crimes anonymously.
Unfortunately, the anonymity that allows people to be kind and do well also does the same for people who want to exercise cruelty. Some of this anonymity combined with the connectivity of today, there has been many cases of cruelty, hatred and anger, so much so that some may think anonymity combined with connectivity is always going to result in hatred, cruelty and abuse. This is a hard point to argue against due to many reports of hatred on social networking sites that has been publicized by the media. More and more reports of cyber-bullying leading to young teens and children suicides are appearing and online websites combined with anonymity are leading to an increase in cyber-bullying every day.
All these reports of cyber-bullying have left one question on everyone’s mind: Where is all this anger coming from? Obviously, there are always going to be angry people and children in the world. There has always been bullying amongst children, and even adults.  According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, some of this anger and cyber bullying is just because children can extend their bullying through all this new technology. The anger, cruelty and hatred was already there, now it just can go farther, especially due to the anonymity. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, the cyber bully can actually cover up their identity through the computer or cell phone and anyone who has access to the website the bully is doing their bullying on can join in. In fact, cyber bullying has caused an increase in bullying, an increase in hatred and cruelty, due to the face that the bully cannot even see the direct response from their victim. Cyber-bullying is a large part of the anger that is being released on the internet. The only way to explain all this anger and hatred is that the internet is anonymous outlet for people to release their anger on.
Another question this anger raises is, is this online anger a result of the same anger characterizing much of our society's discourse, or is it the cause? There is no correct answer to this question considering it is mostly a question based on opinion. I personally believe it is a combination of both, this anger online is a result of society’s anger, yet it is causing society to be angry. Many people in today’s society have a reason to be angry. Many people still are jobless, the workforce is still not hiring many people, the economy is still suffering; these are all causes and reasons for a person to be angry. When people are angry, its human nature for them to want to vent and someone to complain to, and the internet seems to be the perfect place to do this. A person can insult, hate and even terrorize someone they are angry with while remaining completely anonymous. However, when someone is being bullied and terrorized anonymously, it causes people to become angry and hurt. It causes depression; it drives people to commit suicide. When society sees an adult, or especially a young child committing suicide due to the anger they are the victim of online, it makes society angry that a child had to go through that pain, and thus forth the cycle repeats.
Connectivity has both its benefits and its downfalls. It allows information more readily available, creates a new way of learning and thinking, and a new way to have and create relationships. At the same time, however, connectivity is allowing people to hate and terrorize each other. Connectivity can be either positive or negative; it depends on how you look at it. 



  1. Formspring is a great example how online anger. Users posts anonymous comments on one another's page, usually negative comments. I don't feel that cyber bullying is taken seriously enough. Many suicides have occurred merely because of a negative comment left on someone's Facebook, Formspring, etc. It's all about knowing where to draw the line.

  2. I like the introductory paragraph because it really shows the true magnitude of the amount of people that use and even can be possibly considered addicted to social networking websites. I do agree with the point that people who were born into this age of constantly expanding technology that is becoming more and more widespread think differently than those who were not born into the technology age. All external things in the world have a small effect on the way we think, but something as prolific as social networking and connectivity in general these days can have a much larger effect.

    When the paper shifts towards anonymity, I can agree with everything that is said because while I was doing research for my paper I found the same information. Cyber-bullying is becoming more and more prevalent in the anonymous world of the internet today and it is disturbing. I do think that cyber-bullies use the internet to release their anger but it makes me wonder how this helps get rid of anger when they are really just spreading it to other people. Finally, I like the last sentence because it really is true; whether you think connectivity is positive or negative really relies on your point of view because it's very easy to argue either way.
